Step 1: Click this button to add funds to your wallet.
Step 2: We have 4 options to add funds to wallet. Firstly, we will see "From another StarkNet account"
Step 3: You can copy your address and use that to receive funds. And you can use your QR code too.
Step 4: Now, we look "From an exchange" option. When you choose that option, you see this page. Choose your exchange,
enter your amount and click the "Swap Now" button.
Step 5: Confirm your process.
Step 6: Copy this address and send funds from your exchange account with this address.
Step 7: And this is final option. Ethereum bridge. You can use StarkGate for this option.
Step 8: Accept "Terms of Service"
Step 9: Connect both your wallets(Ethereum Wallet and StarkNet Wallet) from the point indicated by the arrows on this screen.
Step 10: And final step, you can deposit funds to StarkNet Wallet from Ethereum Wallet.